
I've passed my Oral Defense! I've submitted my thesis paper! I've turned in the signatures! I install my work on Thursday! 

A huge thank you to my committee, Chris Cassidy, Barbara Campbell Thomas, Nancy Doll, Mariam Aziza Stephan, and Lee Walton. Thank you for the feedback, support, questions, critiques, conversations, and for pushing me to be better. 

I received good feedback on my thesis work, and especially on my written thesis paper. As strange as it sounds, I loved writing my thesis paper. I love writing. I plan on posting it to my other blog soon.

It feels unexplainably good to have accomplished this. I’ve gained confidence in myself, my ideas, and my work. I needed these two years; I needed the time, space, people, and experiences to allow my work to unfold. 

I'll post installation shots as soon as I've got 'em.  

Oral Defense with bow shoes on

Oral Defense with bow shoes on