The Picnic Project
30' x 20', hand-stitched quilts and food, installation, 2015
The Picnic Project is an interactive and social piece that focuses on a pastime of leisure: the picnic. In today's busy world of multi-tasking, email notifications chiming from pockets, and quick dinners, I ask you to pause, take a seat, eat some food, and simply interact with other human beings if just for a few minutes. Food, company, and conversation are simple cures for our every-day ailments.
In my own family history, the women are in charge of facilitating get-togethers, reunions, and picnics. In a way, I've taken on this role despite the fact that I'm far from home: I'm creating an intimate space for sharing, interaction, and connection--not between my family, but with the community of Greensboro.
These blankets were collected at thrift-stores, garage sales, and some were donated. I am most attracted to the hand-made blankets; the care and time necessary to complete one is evident. I felt the need to rescue these blankets and repurpose them in my project. Most of the blankets are from North Carolina; however, a handful are from the Midwest. Throughout the residency, I spent my time stitching these two ideas of home together.
I worked on this project at the Pop Up Residency program at ArtQuest at Greenhill Gallery. One component of this piece was participating in and organizing a family night, in which I taught people how to sew. This piece took place at the In Focus Gallery in Greenhill in Greensboro, NC as well as at Center City Park for their annual fall festival in Greensboro, NC.